Add Google Analytics UA ID
You can add a Google Analytics Universal Analytics ID to track views of your Amaze pages in Google Analytics
Create a Universal Analytics property in your Google Analytics account for the Famous page you want to track. When creating the property, be sure to click Show advanced options, then turn on the switch for Create a Universal Analytics property. If you don’t do this, you will create a Google Analytics 4 property instead, which will not work. Learn how to set up a UA property here.
- Copy the Universal Analytics ID for the property you created in Step 1.
- Open the Amaze project you'd like to add Google Analytics to.
Click the Project Settings Gear icon on the left side of the Asset Bar to open the Project Settings window.
Project Settings Window
- Click on Analytics in the left navigation menu to go to the Analytics tab.
- Paste the Google Analytics Tracking ID that you copied earlier from your Google Analytics account.
- Click Save at the bottom of the menu and exit the Project Settings window.
- Publish/Republish your project to activate the code.
If you’re not sure your Google Analytics tag is working correctly, check your Real-Time reports. If these reports have data, then your snippet is collecting data and sending it to Analytics as expected.
To see the Real-Time reports:
- Sign in to your Analytics account.
- Navigate to the property that you set up for your Amaze page from steps 1-8 above.
- Open Reporting.
- Select Real-Time > Overview
Disconnect Google Analytics from a Amaze page
- Open the project from which you wish to remove analytics.
- Click the Project Settings icon in the Asset Bar to open the Project Settings window.
- Navigate to the Analytics tab.
- Delete the Google Analytics UA ID, then click Save.
- Exit the Project Settings window.
- Republish your project.