Publish your Amaze page
After clicking the Publish button from the Edit Content screen, you will land on the Publish step.
Click the green Publish button in the right side bar to publish to the page path that you set when creating the project. After publishing your page, published page details are displayed in the right side bar. To manage publish page details, click the right arrow that appears next to the disabled Publish button at the bottom of the right side bar.
Amaze pages published to Shopify will appear under the Pages section of the Online Store Sales Channel in your Shopify admin. Amaze pages are intended to be used as stand alone click through pages for digital ad campaigns. As such, they’re not added to your store’s navigation menus by default.
Unpublish your Amaze page
You can unpublish an Amaze page to prevent customers from viewing it. When a page is unpublished, it is still listed on the Page section of your Shopify admin, but status is set to ‘private’.
If you’re not already on the Publish step, click the Publish icon in the left side bar to navigate to it.
From the Publish step, click the Unpublish button at the bottom of the right side bar. This will set the page to ‘private’ so that no customers can access it. If a customer visits the page url, they will see a 404 “Page not available” error.
Publish Updates to your Amaze Page
You can publish any changes you make to your page by clicking the Republish button that’s displayed at the bottom of the right side bar on the Publish step. The Republish button is only displayed if there are unpublished changes.