Adding a screen transition will allow for users to navigate from screen to screen of your project. They are made up of three parts: a gesture that initiates the transition, the target or destination screen, and a transition style that controls the look of the animation.
Add a Transition:
1. Select the Screen to apply the transition to from in the screens listed in the Left Sidebar. (Origin)
2. In the Right Sidebar, the Interactions tab should be highlighted in blue. Click the add transition button to add a transition to the screen.
3. Select the type of gesture you want to apply to the screen from the drop-down list: swipe, tap, or timed.
4. Click Remove to remove an existing transition you no longer want.
5. Update the destination screen (Target ) for the gesture. The target will be one of the already existing screens.
5. Last, you can select the Transition type from the drop down menu list.

7. You can use Live Preview to test the transitions out, enabling you to experience each transition exactly how your visitors will.

Additional settings that can be added to a transition are Curve, Duration, Spacing, and Opacity.
More information on Transitions can be found here.