Our asset bar allows you to quickly add beautiful backgrounds to your design in a number of ways. Here's a few facts to help you better understand how to use backgrounds in asset bar.
- You can add a Background from the Background from the top header bar
- A Background will always: cover the whole card it is attached to, scale by height and width, be the deepest layer on a card.
- You can not move a background layer above any other layer.
- You can replace a background with the same functionality as Photos and Videos.
- Any Photo or Video can be dropped into a background from their Menus. Simply drag the asset from the menu and bring to the edge of a card until you see it fill the whole card.
- To select the background asset to resize, reposition, or edit in anyway, just double click into the background.
- If your background is selected and you have the Photos or Videos menu open, you can use your keyboard arrows to quick see those assets as you background.